TC Treasure


Congratulations Josh & Amy Ellingson, of Apple Valley,
and Dan & Julie Schonhardt, of Eagan!
Winners of the 2019 Hoedown Showdown Mini-Hunt

Clue explanations at TC Treasure Forums

Hoedown Showdown Mini-Hunt

September 28, 2019

Throughout the metro area, search every nook and cranny
For our rootin'-tootin' Hoedown Showdown mini-hootenanny!
It's waiting in its hidey-hole for you to come and claim it;
This hunt is an unruly beast, so do your best to tame it.

Fall is falling and treasure is calling, so listen for the sound;
Sneak a peek of the prize you seek by keeping your ear to the ground.
To find the charm, first, do no harm—that's the hunter's creed;
On parkland ample, turtles trample, so mount your trusty steed!

To seek the bounty, find the right county—although this hunt is nascent,
The place to be is in one of the three that aren't to each other adjacent.
It's hidden well inside its shell, so check your map for clues;
To rope and corral it, just limit your palette to secondary hues.

Look for piles of marshmallow tiles in the park we hope to elicit;
It may be prosaic, our playground mosaic, but blink and you could miss it!
Keep in mind, this hunt's designed to put you through your courses,
So take it in stride, enjoy the ride, and saddle up your horses!

Meet your friends where blacktop ends; the bluegrass is always greener.
Vegetation in dense formation could brighten your demeanor.
The cavalier is crystal clear, just like the bronco he rides;
Autumn's decay reveals the way to where our treasure hides.

It may be laborious; you might be victorious—and narrow down the lots—
By looking upon a hexagon comprised of nineteen dots.
The path to follow, from hilltop to hollow, leads down from the jungle gyms;
Keep on the watch for a tiny notch beneath the molting limbs.

With much ado mounting for fifty years counting, in a town of topography—
Where a hillside park has a special mark in the Turtles' discography—
Across from the chapel awaits your eye's apple: a terrapin parade;
To locate the slope, you might have to rope a horse of a different shade.

Run your course on a Spanish horse (with Lebanese pedigree);
Off to the races—about thirty paces—to a gap at the root of a tree,
Where treasure chills between the hills; move leaves to reveal the prize,
Claim the gear and have a beer under palomino skies.

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